ROSE TATTOO Frontman Says SLASH Is The Real Deal

April 24, 2010

ROSE TATTOO frontman Angry Anderson says that his upcoming performance with Slash in Australia will be killer because the VELVET REVOLVER/ex-GUNS N' ROSES guitarist is the real deal.

In an exclusive interview with Triple M's Byron Cooke, Anderson gave the ringing endorsement ahead of Slash's gig next week to launch the new music channel, MTV Classic.

"One thing I love about Slasher is he's the real rock n' roll animal," said Angry. "It's a great choice on MTV's part that they picked a real rock n' roll player as opposed to a lot of the posers and 'would-bes-if-they-could-bes-and-they-never-will-bes-coz-they-can't'!"

In the interview Angry also recalled the first time he met GN'R and the possiblity of Slash and Axl getting the original Gunners back together.

Slash and friends will be playing at the Palace Theatre in Melbourne on April 28 and will be broadcast on the all-new MTV Classic channel on Foxtel and Austar at 5 p.m. on May 1.

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